As a community church we love our community. We want to be part of the community, involved in the community, serving the community – all with the desire to make Jesus known. Our weekly activities, as well as many annual events, seek to reflect this.
Our Community Pastoral Team also links with many people and groups in the community to provide personal support, food parcels, advocacy and help with finding relevant agencies and resources. If you need this kind of help please contact us for more details.
Drop in Cafe and Op-Shop
Fridays - cancelled until further notice
Open to the community every Friday the Drop In Café provides fresh baking, toasted sandwiches, soup, tea, coffee. If it’s healthy or yummy, you can probably get it here, and all for just a $4 donation.
All are welcome to come and enjoy friendship and a chat over something good to eat. Many of the church leadership and church support people are available if you want to talk or have questions about faith or spirituality.
Plenty of bargains to be had in the op shop with good quality used clothes and an assortment of household items at great prices.